I Loved Smith's first movie, Clerks, found his 2nd movie Mallrats to be pretty poor, then along came Chasing Amy, an offbeat romantic comedy drama that blew me away, and still now, after repeated viewings, can knock me off my feet. I sadly don't hold much hope for Smith's forthcoming movie as each and all of the movies that followed Chasing Amy were mostly childish, and at best average adult comedies, which is such a disappointment as Chasing Amy gave promise that Smith was going to be a movie maker to watch out for.
It is a pretty low budget affair, made on $250,000, and clearly shows that a bit of heart in a movie can be so much more effective than a flashy production. Still flawed by some clumsy directing and over acted and mellow dramatic scenes and at times a convoluted script, this movie still holds it's own to remain a pretty impressive and unique movie. The movie starts off with the same feel and humour of both Smith's previous efforts, with lots of the same references to comics and contemporary pop culture and is very funny too, but if you aren't experienced with the works of Kevin Smith, be ready for some almost shockingly rude, crude and direct dialogue of which would never find its way into a run of the mill romantic comedy. Although this in no way makes the movie special nor ruins it, it is just the staple diet of any Kevin Smith movie. This movie excels where his usually fail because of its genuine substance of a relationship, something that also wouldn't be caught dead in your usual romantic comedy!
An up and coming, goatie-ed Ben Affleck plays Holden, a laid back and unassuming comic book writer who lives with his best friend and "inker" Banky, played by TVs My name is Earl's Jason Lee, who's life is in turmoil as he dedicates his time struggling to protect his best mate from getting hurt as he sees him slowly fall in love with Alyssa, played very well by Joey Lauren Adams, of whom the movie was mostly based on as she was a former girlfriend of Smiths. Sadly though, if I am honest, a lot of whether you dig this movie or not, relies on how you take Adams. She doesn't bother me, but she does have what can only be described as an irritating, screechy voice and I know my wife Caroline wont watch this movie with me any more because she simply can't handle her annoying voice. That aside, a whole host of bright characters fill the screen as we follow Holden as he sinks deep into a relationship that was doomed from the start.
The music (of which I have no idea what it is called or who it is by) that opens the movie sums up the movie pretty well, it is offbeat and kooky yet very gentle and emotional and sticks with you long after you have heard it. Unlike your usual rom-com flicks with their pretty predictable Boy falls for girl, boy falls out with girl, boy gets back together with girl 3 act structure, Chasing Amy turns that on its head and not only because it is about a guy who falls in love with a Lesbian, but because the genuine and honest third act doesn't go where you expect it to and I found that incredibly refreshing and realistic. I guess where most movies end, is where this movie continues into its 3rd act, after the "happily ever after" schmaltz and where real relationship issues prevail, such as in this movies case, the insecurity of a partners past. This is handled with beautifully, as it eats away at in love Holden, of whom begins to feel totally inadequate and doesn't know how to handle his feelings and the situation, but from the beginning of the movie to the last frame, we can see the journey Holden has been on, through this relationship and how much he has grown and matured and learned through this harsh on his heart, lesson in life.
Chasing Amy "Writer, Director Kevin Smith's finest hour, a sweet, if naive little movie that seems also contradict itself with its harsh honesty and maturity. A movie that will always hold a place in my heart. A must see movie" **** 1/2